Let’s grow and foster a community of Colony web3 developers!

Goals 🏁

We’d like to build awesome and fun applications making use of the magnificent colonyNetwork contracts and the other wonderful tools that Colony provides for us. We will create an environment of learning an teaching about all things Web3 and Colony interoperability. Alongside that mission the community of developers should shape what is going to be an easy to use, yet powerful library preliminary dubbed the “Colony SDK” by suggesting features, working on issues and fixing bug within.

Project Ideas🎈

The things we build should be small, self-contained projects using just a small surface of the Colony Network’s vast API. They should be useful and provide value for the community but first and foremost they should be fun to build! These ideas are more like dreams without specifying the exact technical implementations. We will do that at a later point in time 🙂. Please do add your own ideas! This is just the tip of the iceberg of possibilities. Dream big! Anything goes (for now 😉)!

Idea 1: Discord Bot 🤖

A bot that could connect the Colony World of Governance and Payments with Discord has always been on top places in our (and the community’s) wish list. It could:

Idea 2: Colony Dashboard 📊

A simple dashboard web page that could show

Idea 3: Mobile Colony (Web) App 📱